Joining a church can mean many things to many people. Some seek out God and community when they feel they have lost their way, or are seeking a deeper purpose, or are looking for a way to connect to their family and cultural identity. But it is our belief that the Church, at its core, is about finding love and beauty through God and God’s work.
At Grace Lutheran Church-ELCA, we inspire individuals of all ages and backgrounds to bring the Lord Almighty into their lives at every moment - moments of joy, moments of despair, and even those moments in between. We are committed to the teachings of Jesus Christ, and are here to spread His message with loving patience and kindness.
Keep reading to find out all about us!
Provide an open and spiritual environment consistent with the confessions and the sacramental principles of the ELCA.
Serving others in need using our time, talents and treasures as Christ did on earth.
Share the gift of God’s grace with all people.
Encourage and equip members to participate in outreach programs serving local and worldwide community needs.
The Triune God-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit-is the authentic expression and embodiment of God’s self-revelation.
The Gospel is the power of God for the salvation for all who believe, and Jesus Christ, through His death, life, and resurrection, is Lord and Savior.
We who are brought into a relationship with God not by works, but solely by the unmerited and undeserved free grace of God.
As baptized members of God’s family, we are free to serve people following the example of our Lord Jesus Christ and to strive for justice and peace in all the world.
The Holy Scriptures are the authorized source and norm for the church’s teachings and proclamations.

Pastor Rick Eckard started Grace Lutheran on February 6, 1983. Initially Grace Lutheran was a member of the American Lutheran Church, in 1988 Grace joined the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). The ELCA is a union of three North American Lutheran bodies: the American Lutheran Church, the Association of Evangelical Lutheran Churches, and the Lutheran Church in America; consisting of roughly 4 million baptized members and over 10,000 congregations.
In 2004, an additional 8,000 square feet of space was added to accommodate our growth in membership: the space is currently used for worship space, a fellowship hall, music room, educational rooms and offices.
On February 6, 2013, we celebrated our 30th Anniversary.
On April 19, 2015, our current Pastor, Jennifer M. Kopacz was installed.
We the Members of Grace Lutheran Church, called by the Holy Spirit, commit ourselves to know Christ and to make Him known. With God’s help, we offer ourselves to provide an open and spiritual environment consistent with the confessions and sacramental principles of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
We subscribe to serve others in need using our time, talents, treasures (resources) as Christ did on earth. We pledge to share the gift of God’s grace with all people and to encourage and equip members to participate in outreach programs serving local and worldwide community needs.